Avery Fuchs Art


If you have ever felt broken and somehow glued yourself back together, you may feel a connection to my art created from broken “Sea Glass.”

Each finished artwork is assembled from hundreds of shards, mostly from shattered bottles tossed into the earth’s waters decades and centuries ago. Each piece has journeyed from unknown distances and destinations. Every fragment has a mysterious story to tell, had a previous life and purpose, and was discarded or went down with the ship.

Mother Nature is omnipresent in this art. She has triumphed over time, transforming ordinary garbage into natural jewels with beautiful patinas and smooth edges. Mother Nature’s beaches are my art supply store. She has used her powers of weather, tides and salt water, providing me with these unique survivors.

It is truly labor and a labor of love to find, clean, sort and assemble the shards to create a finished sculpture. I feel the individual broken pieces are reincarnated into a whole new soul when I add that last fragment. Each unique artwork is a symbol of resilience, providing reassurance that there is still positive transformation in this world. I hope each sculpture makes you wonder, smile, and experience hope, beauty, and joy.